Monday, July 9, 2012

My Crafty Nature

Hi, my name is Lorina. I am 27 years old, happily married with 4 kids. I grew up as the youngest of 4 girls. My mom is an AMAZING seamstress. She would make most of our clothes, beautiful quilts and so many other crafts. I was always so fascinated at what she could create and I looked up to her a lot. Now that I am a stay at home mom, I want to be like her and create my own things to sell. I have no where near the talent that she possesses but I try my best. One thing that I am really good at so far is collecting supplies and starting projects without finishing them. I would like to change, finish projects and develop my skills to new levels.
We have owned our own home for over 3 years now and I am truly blessed to have my very own craft room. It has taken a lot of organizing to get it looking this good and it still needs a lot more work. But so far, this is what it looks like. 
This is the view when you walk in the door. The desk is from my FIL and a very useful piece of furniture.
 This is the wall to the right of the door. The peg board is covering up a window type opening in the wall so that I can actually utilize that space (We have bookshelves on the other side so it doesn't look too bad). Most of this is all the random stuff that didn't fit anywhere else.
 (Cute story: Whenever I find my 2.5 year old has found his way in here, he is usually starring at those gold fish boxes wanting a snack. I finally lifted him up to show him that there wasn't any gold fish in them anymore.)
This is half of the back wall. An old dresser my grandpa made is housing all most of my recycled trash that is waiting to be up-cycled. And then on top is all our scrapbook paper and albums. (I say 'our' because most of the stuff I have I am just storing for my MIL and my mom. That cri-cut was my MIL's birthday present a couple years ago. Whenever she has a project she comes over and uses my space and then we get to hang out too. It works out quite nicely since she is only 3 blocks away.)
 This is the other half of the back wall, my fabric collection. Mostly hand me downs from said benefactors plus a bunch from another dear friend as well. I of course have spent way too much money contributing to all of my stashes of supplies also. 
 This is the wall to the left of the door, all the blue trays are rubber stamps. My mom's and grandma's entire collection after getting rid of almost half. The brown boxes have some of my random genres; yarn, cross stitch, plastic canvas, a whole box for glue, 3 boxes for paint, 3 boxes for ribbon and lace, fun foam, beads, plus specific projects I have going, etc. 
As you can see I have things piled high and stuffed in cracks and crammed wherever I could find room. My goal is to complete the projects that I have started so that I can free up room to tackle the new ones I have learned about through the wonderful site of Pinterest. Feel free to follow me (Lorina Bowman). 
I wanted to start this blog as an outlet to share all my crafts but I must admit that most of them are recreations of someone else's ideas. I will have a few of my own or some that I have tweaked so I will try to provide tutorials for those. But obviously I do not have the best camera so I will always link back to the posts that I originally followed. Since I do intend on selling my crafts I will be opening an Etsy shop and a Facebook page for my fans as well and will let you know when those are open for business. 
Many thanks for your time and support. I love comments.

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